
What are the Different Types of Savings Accounts?


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I hope that you read my last post and you joined me in making a commitment to increasing your level of saving each month. If you have not had time to read it yet, you can read it here, How Much Should you Save

In this post, I will give an overview of the different types of savings accounts that are available for most adults in the UK.

Bank Savings Accounts

Perhaps the easiest to set up, these are savings accounts that are usually in the same bank that handles your current account. It is very easy to transfer money from your current account into your savings account each month. The transfer can be achieved very quickly via your bank’s app, assuming that you have downloaded and are using your bank’s app.  Unfortunately, this ease of access without any penalties can work against you too. It can be a little too easy to transfer money from your savings account back into your current account, more on that in a future post.

Regular Savings Accounts

If are able to commit to a regular savings account you should be able to secure a higher interest rate than a normal savings account. There are limits to the amounts that you can save and also for how long, but they are definitely worth having if you are able to.

Easy Access Cash ISA

If you open a Easy Access Cash ISA, you will be able to save up to £20,000 tax free each year and still have access to it if you need to. Individual Savings Accounts (ISA) were first introduced in 1999, initially with a limit of £7000.  Now the amount you can shield in a tax free ISA is £20,000.

Fixed Rate Cash ISA

The Fixed Rate Cash ISA differs from the Easy Access Cash ISA because savers must commit to not accessing their funds for a fixed term. This term could be one, two or three years. If savers access their funds before the fixed term has finished they are penalised with a loss of interest.

Fixed Rate Savings

If you are comfortable locking away your money for a couple of years, you should consider fixed rate savings because you will secure a higher interest rate

Notice Savings Accounts

As the same suggests, notice savings accounts require the account holder to give notice before they withdraw money. This notice period could be 30, 60 or 90 days in advance.

It used to be that you had to consider the tax implications of savings accounts.  However, the introduction of the Personal Savings Allowance in 2016 has meant that most people now no longer pay tax on savings interest. 

What type of savings account do you use? Let me know in the comments section below.

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If you have liked this post you will also like the following posts:

How Much Should You Save? 

10 Ways to Make Money Now

What’s the Best Strategy for Clearing Debts?  

My aim with each blog post is to help you move to a better financial future. I believe that financial education is largely absent from the national curriculum and I intend to share anything helpful that I have learned along the way. I am by no means a financial expert. None of the information on this website constitutes financial advice and is provided as general information only.  This is my personal finance blog; my marketing blog is over here and I have been blogging there since 2010.

I hope you have found this information useful. Thank you for reading.

Best regards,


what are the Different types of savings accounts_

How Much Should You Save?

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For many people, saving money is not exciting; when they consider what their savings may allow in the future it can become more exciting.  This may mean the chance to have an expensive family holiday or a more comfortable retirement.

Save Money

Whatever your level of salary or wages, you should aim to save 20% of your earnings. Depending on where you currently are in terms of your financial health, this 20% figure could seem insurmountable or very manageable. Please remember this is a guideline.

This guideline is based on the following breakdown of income; 50%  on mandatory expenditure including accommodation and associated bills, 30% on discretionary expenditure and 20% on savings.

Is this the Dream versus Reality?

Level of Household Savings UK

The chart above is from Trading Economics  and clearly demonstrates that in the UK most households are not getting anywhere near the 20%  figure.  My own anecdotal evidence is  that there are times when I have been able save above the 20% and other times when no saving has been possible at all.

For our US readers, the situation is actually slightly worse, as you can see from the chart below. There is data from other countries as well on the website, so please explore to find figures for your country if you are not from the UK or US.

How much should you save

I would like everyone who reads this post to take a step forward to a better financial future. We have just started a new month, commit with me to saving 20% of your income, or as close to that as you can.  If you comfortable doing so, leave a comment below indicating the percentage of your income that you will save this month, this month being June 2018.

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If you have liked this post you will also like the following posts:

What are the Different Types of Savings Accounts?

10 Ways to Make Money Now

What’s the Best Strategy for Clearing Debts?  

My aim with each blog post is to help you move to a better financial future. I believe that financial education is largely absent from the national curriculum and I intend to share anything helpful that I have learned along the way. I am by no means a financial expert. This is my personal finance blog; my marketing blog is over here and I have been blogging there since 2010.

I hope you have found this information useful. Thank you for reading.

Best regards,


How much should you save