How to Stick to Your Budget During Summer: 5 Tips


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Summertime, and the living is easy...’ are the words of DuBose Heyward, he wrote the lyrics and George Gershwin wrote the music for the famous song from the opera Porgy and Bess in 1935. The song has been performed all around the world by thousands of musicians. Summertime can indeed be a wonderful time; better weather brings more opportunities to have fun, more day trips and other leisure activities either close to home or whilst on holiday (vacation). All of this having fun and leisure time can put household budgets under enormous pressure and it is no surprise that so many budgets fall by the wayside during the summer months. It does not have to be this way, below I have listed 5 budget friendly ways to keep yourself on track financially during the summer months.

Stick to Your Financial Goals During Summer

Forward Planning

Time that you take off work for a holiday and your children’s summer holidays from school are predictable events; you know that they are going to happen so you can plan for them and prepare. Ensure that you save for your cost of your holiday and spending money months in advance. Your holiday savings can form part of the 20 % that I wrote about in this post, How Much Should You Save?  In taking this approach, you will minimise the financial impact of your holiday. Don’t forget to save for the additional day trips and activities that you will also do at home too. The summer is longer than your holiday in most cases.

Booking  in Advance

In nearly all instances, booking in advance will enable you to access discounts and special offers that will enable you to keep costs as low as possible. Contrast that with trying to book hotels, flights and activities at peak time when the costs will be much higher. Make your money go further by booking earlier.

Take Picnics Rather than Relying on Restaurants

Buy yourself a picnic basket like this one, and then get in to the habit of making food for your family the night before day trips. This is a great way of keeping a lid on expenditure; it also means that you will be able to eat exactly when you want rather than having to wait for space to become available at a restaurant or cafe. Queuing for a popular restaurant is not fun, you will be able to avoid that entirely.

Filling up Your Tank

If you are going to visit a major attraction such as a theme park, fill up your car at a local petrol station rather than one on the motorway. Motorway service stations are always much more expensive than filling up at your local supermarket petrol station.

Cash Budgeting at Theme Parks and Funfairs

Theme parks or funfairs often have lots of different rides or attractions for you and your family to choose from, If all rides are included in the admission price feel free to experience as many as you can fit it during the time that you have available. However, some places that you visit will have individual costs for each ride; in this instance its very easy to spend a lot of money very quickly. The best approach is to set a mini budget for your children or yourself, you could allow them to choose 3 or 4 rides for example.

By following these tips, you’ll find that you are aren’t having any less fun than if you hadn’t applied the brakes to your expenditure. The difference is that this time you will not have any guilt as a result of overspending. It just takes a little thought and preparation but is totally achievable.

How do you prepare financially for the summer months? What steps have you taken to stick to your budget during summertime? Please let me know in the comments section below.

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If you have enjoyed this post you will also like the following posts:

Does Your Choice of Supermarket Matter? 

Save Money by Switching Energy Supplier Every Year 

How to Stop Impulse Buying – 10 Ways

Have you Found all of Your Dormant Accounts?

Can you live off a Cash Budget for a Week?

Has the Cryptocurrency Bubble Burst?

Why you Should Drive and Old Car and Pay of Your Mortgage Early

Make Money By Being Part of a Focus Group

Save Hundreds on Rent Per Month By Becoming a Property Guardian

4 Obstacles you Will Face on Your Financial Journey

Make Money Now With These Two Referral Apps

Have you got the Right Money Mindset?

My aim with each blog post is to help you move to a better financial future. I believe that there is not enough financial education in the national curriculum and I intend to share anything helpful that I have learned along the way. I am by no means a financial expert. None of the information on this website constitutes financial advice and is provided as general information only.  This is my personal finance blog; my marketing blog is over here and I have been blogging there since 2010. I hope you have found this information useful. Thank you for reading.

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How to Stick to Your Budget During Summer - 5 Tips

Does Your Choice of Supermarket Matter?

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Groceries are a necessity for life but it must be remembered that not all supermarkets are created equal in terms of value for money.  Convenience is also an important factor when it comes to selecting a supermarket; you are more likely to shop at a supermarket that is easy for you to get to, particularly if you plan on going there on foot. If you are driving you’ll pick a supermarket with a car park over one that requires you to find an available parking meter.  This is an entirely natural way of choosing a supermarket and is to be expected. However, if you have financial goals to achieve you should recognise that your choice of supermarket is a huge opportunity to make regular savings and achieve your financial goals more quickly.

Supermarket Choice

Luckily for us we don’t have to guess which is the cheapest supermarket. Food retailer trade magazine, The Grocer regularly conducts secret shopper research to confirm where you should go to buy the cheapest groceries. According to their data, Aldi is the cheapest supermarket. When you click on the link in red text you will see that they have compared supermarkets for a range of everyday items and Aldi has come out on top because the basket of items wash cheapest there.

What Should you do?

If you have an Aldi near where you live, choose Aldi for your grocery shopping from now on.  If there is not an Aldi near you, choose Asda because Asda was number two on the list.  At the risk of sounding like a grocery shopping geek, when I made this change to my regular choice of  supermarket I was saving 30-40% on my regular items when compared to Tesco, for example. I did have to change my routine to make this change, I had to drive slightly further to visit the nearest Aldi but even when I factored the additional petrol cost, Aldi was still a clear winner. The change I made was not a big deal and amounted to an extra five minutes in the car.

In an earlier post on this blog I asked the question, Do you have the Right Money Mindset? Small behavioural changes like driving a bit further to a cheaper supermarket can create more abundance in your life. It is so simple to do and yet most people do not do it. Instead the continue to shop at the most conveniently located supermarket despite the fact that it costs them more. Which type of consumer do you want to be? A frugal one who is intentional about their purchasing decisions or someone who regularly spends more than they need to on groceries?

Have you changed your choice of supermarket to take advantage of lower prices? If so, what has the money that you saved allowed you to do? Please let me know in the comments section below.

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If you have enjoyed this post you will also like the following posts:

Save Money by Switching Energy Supplier Every Year 

How to Stop Impulse Buying – 10 Ways

Have you Found all of Your Dormant Accounts?

Can you live off a Cash Budget for a Week?

Has the Cryptocurrency Bubble Burst?

Why you Should Drive and Old Car and Pay of Your Mortgage Early

Make Money By Being Part of a Focus Group

Save Hundreds on Rent Per Month By Becoming a Property Guardian

4 Obstacles you Will Face on Your Financial Journey

Make Money Now With These Two Referral Apps

Have you got the Right Money Mindset?

My aim with each blog post is to help you move to a better financial future. I believe that there is not enough financial education in the national curriculum and I intend to share anything helpful that I have learned along the way. I am by no means a financial expert. None of the information on this website constitutes financial advice and is provided as general information only.  This is my personal finance blog; my marketing blog is over here and I have been blogging there since 2010. I hope you have found this information useful. Thank you for reading.

Best regards,


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Does Your Choice of Supermarket Matter


Save Money By Switching Energy Supplier Every Year

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For most people, the prospect of assessing the best deals amongst energy suppliers is not exciting. It is necessary for us to choose a supplier for electricity and gas but I imagine most people spend as little time as possible thinking about it. This is exactly what the large energy suppliers want us to do, of course. Their strategy is to capitalise on our inertia or lack of interest to keep us as customers when we would be better off finding a great deal with one of their competitors.

Switching Energy Suppliers

Typically what happens is this, we are attracted by a good 12 month deal advertised online and sign up for it. When the initial 12 months are over, we have become accustomed to logging in to a particular account and receiving communication from one company. As the renewal date approached our existing supplier offers us a chance to renew with their ‘best offer’ for you. In most cases, this best offer is not a good deal and the price will rise if you accept it. Many people do accept it because it seems convenient.

What Should you do?

When you receive your pending renewal communication from your existing supplier, make a note of amount of your current direct debit and energy usage for electricity and/or gas and visit a comparison website. I went through this process yesterday, as I do each year, the website I used for comparison is called uSwitch, you could also try Allow yourself around 10 minutes to input some details about your existing supplier and contract and then the website will present you with the best choices for your energy supply and you can select one. My selection of new supplier meant that I will save £110 on my energy usage over the next 12 months.

Most people I have spoken to about this are aware of these websites but do not make a habit of visiting them each year. This is exactly what you should do to the best value for money deals. The same also applies for other categories including car insurance and home insurance.

The comparison websites I have highlighted are based in the UK because I live in the UK. If you live in another part of the world please use similar comparison websites to achieve the same results. I would be interested to know some of those websites and which country they relate to, you can let me know in the comments section below. Also, have you recently changed energy supplier? Let me know below.

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If you have enjoyed this post you will also like the following posts:

How to Stop Impulse Buying – 10 Ways

Have you Found all of Your Dormant Accounts?

Can you live off a Cash Budget for a Week?

Has the Cryptocurrency Bubble Burst?

Why you Should Drive and Old Car and Pay of Your Mortgage Early

Make Money By Being Part of a Focus Group

Save Hundreds on Rent Per Month By Becoming a Property Guardian

4 Obstacles you Will Face on Your Financial Journey

Make Money Now With These Two Referral Apps

Have you got the Right Money Mindset?

My aim with each blog post is to help you move to a better financial future. I believe that there is not enough financial education in the national curriculum and I intend to share anything helpful that I have learned along the way. I am by no means a financial expert. None of the information on this website constitutes financial advice and is provided as general information only.  This is my personal finance blog; my marketing blog is over here and I have been blogging there since 2010. I hope you have found this information useful. Thank you for reading.

Best regards,


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Save Money By Switching Energy Supplier Every Year




Can you live off a Cash Budget for a Week?

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The next stage up from following a monthly budget is living off a cash budget for a week or a month. If you are not already following a monthly budget, please read this post,  How to Create a Budget That you can Stick to; that post will help you create your monthly budget. For those of you already following a monthly budget, the cash budget could be for you. Following a cash budget will enable you to make further financial gains.

What is a Cash Budget?

Each month you receive your salary or pay cheque, when you do you should pay all of your bills and account for your needs. There will be money left over that you allocate to discretionary spending; items such as groceries and entertainment will fall into this category. For each of these items of expenditure you are going to withdraw the money from your account and place the money in an envelope. For example, if you have allocated £200 for entertainment during the month, you must place £200 in the entertainment envelope. Once that entertainment envelope is empty, you have run out of money for entertainment until next month. The same applies for all the other sub categories.

The Benefits of a Cash Budget

The beauty of the cash budget system is that you will physically see how much you spend on different items of expenditure. Compare that to contactless payments with plastic cards and no receipts, a scenario that makes it so easy to lose track. When you are living with a cash budget, do not steal from one envelope to make up for a shortfall in another. Your envelopes will become emptier as the month progresses; you might find that you are spending a lot on entertainment, groceries or lunches at work.

If you are disciplined, the cash budget system will make you more intentional about everything you spend your money on. This will mean greater control of your finances, which in turn will mean that you improve your net worth and achieve your financial goals more quickly.

It may be that you need to make more money, if that is the case the ideas contained in this post will help you, 10 Ways to Make Money Now.

What if you Have Money Left Over?

If you have money left over in some sub categories and shortfalls in others, you may need to re-visit your monthly budget and make some changes. If you have money left over and no shortfalls it would be advisable to increase the amount that you are saving.

The ideal scenario is for your first experience with a cash budget to be a positive one and for a new habit to be created. Research has confirmed that paying with cash will make you more conscious of every expenditure. Many people have attributed their success in paying off debts and achieving savings targets to the fact that they have used a cash budget.

Your Challenge

Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to live off a cash budget for one week. Split your money into budgets for the different sub categories and then live out of the envelopes on a day to day basis. I would love to hear about any progress that you make. Also, feel free to tell me about anything you found particularly difficult and how the overall process made you feel about your personal finances.

Let me know in the comments section below.

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If you have enjoyed this post you will also like the following posts:

Has the Cryptocurrency Bubble Burst?

Why you Should Drive and Old Car and Pay of Your Mortgage Early

Make Money By Being Part of a Focus Group

Save Hundreds on Rent Per Month By Becoming a Property Guardian

4 Obstacles you Will Face on Your Financial Journey

Make Money Now With These Two Referral Apps

Have you got the Right Money Mindset?

My aim with each blog post is to help you move to a better financial future. I believe that there is not enough financial education in the national curriculum and I intend to share anything helpful that I have learned along the way. I am by no means a financial expert. None of the information on this website constitutes financial advice and is provided as general information only.  This is my personal finance blog; my marketing blog is over here and I have been blogging there since 2010. I hope you have found this information useful. Thank you for reading.

Best regards,


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Can you live off a Cash Budget for a Week_

Why You Should Drive an Old Car and Pay off Your Mortgage Early

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I get it. Most of us like nice things, especially nice shiny new things that get us from A to B. There is no denying that driving a brand new car sends a signal to the world that we are on the right track and can make us feel good about ourselves, but at what cost? Car payments are often the second or third largest items of expenditure on most people’s monthly household budget. If you are serious about pursuing financial freedom you will need to stop making ego-driven financial decisions.

I have noticed something, lots of people with immense wealth drive extremely ordinary cars. They often pick fundamentally sound cars that have good reputations but then they hold onto them. For them, impressing the neighbours is not a priority. They are more interested in increasing their wealth generating  assets.

A Car is not an Asset

Money in the right savings account will be compounding for you, whereas money spent on a brand new car will evaporate day after day as your car depreciates. Let’s be clear, only the rarest of classic cars appreciate; most cars depreciate in value. Whilst you’re busy impressing the neighbours, your money is leaving you.

Similar to savings, property is also an asset that will appreciate over time. In most parts of the United Kingdom and many places around the world,  property increases in value year upon year. If you are a homeowner, you can further increase the equity in your property by making additional payments against your mortgage.  This means that you will pay off your mortgage in a shorter period and as a consequence will save thousands in interest on your home loan. You will be able to own your home outright many years earlier than originally agreed. Your mortgage provider would prefer that you do not do this because they will lose thousands of pounds. If you can afford them, making additional payments against your mortgage is one of the best financial decisions you can make in your life.

Trade Down Your Car

In many cases, a car is necessary; to get to work, or pick up the children from school, plus all the shopping trips and errands that you use it for. I’m not advising you to make do without a car; simply downgrade the latest model or forego the latest model to focus on your financial goals. In doing so you will be trading down your car to bring you closer to financial freedom. If possible, buy a much older car and pay cash for it. The money you save on car payments can go towards additional payments against your mortgage. You would be surprised how much difference an extra £200 or £300 per month will make. 

I realise that for many people this kind of approach will require a mindset shift;  choose this approach because it suits your financial goals and stop trying to keep up with the Joneses. You never know, the Joneses may be up to their necks in unsecured debt. By being disciplined, you will soon be far ahead of them anyway.

Making extra payments against your mortgage will increase your net worth. You should be tracking your net worth on a regular basis, this post explains the why and how, Why You Should Track Your Net Worth. 

Have you considered buying an old car? Have you made additional payments against your mortgage? Let me know in the comments section below.

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If you have enjoyed this post you will also like the following posts:

Make Money By Being Part of a Focus Group

Save Hundreds on Rent Per Month By Becoming a Property Guardian

4 Obstacles you Will Face on Your Financial Journey

Make Money Now With These Two Referral Apps

Have you got the Right Money Mindset?

What to do with a Financial Windfall

Why you Should Track Your Net Worth

My aim with each blog post is to help you move to a better financial future. I believe that there is not enough financial education in the national curriculum and I intend to share anything helpful that I have learned along the way. I am by no means a financial expert. None of the information on this website constitutes financial advice and is provided as general information only.  This is my personal finance blog; my marketing blog is over here and I have been blogging there since 2010. I hope you have found this information useful. Thank you for reading.

Best regards,


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Why you should drive an old car and pay your mortgage off early


Save Hundreds on Rent Per Month By Becoming a Property Guardian

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Please make sure you are sitting down as you start to read this post. It is possible to save hundreds of pounds per month on rent in central London and some other cities across the UK. You can live in prime locations for just a few hundred pounds a month as a Property Guardian. Across the UK and dare I say it, the world, accommodation is the largest monthly  expense for adults. This is an opportunity for those who are flexible to significantly reduce their monthly accommodation expenditure.

What is a Property Guardian?

There are property owners in London and other cities, who have to leave their properties empty for a period of time. Perhaps, they have to work abroad for work or have taken a sabbatical to travel the world. There are also commercial property owners. Whatever the reason this group of people would now need to employ a security firm to oversee the property in their absence and ensure that it is well maintained and free from vandalism and squatters. This is where Property Guardians fit in. Property Guardians are essentially live in caretakers who look after the property in return for a heavily reduced monthly rent.

How Does it Work?

People who are interested in becoming Property Guardian should contact one of the entrepreneurial companies that have been set up in this space. There are over 30 now, some are national whereas others are have a London focus, click here to visit the website of Global Guardians, or here to visit .  The second company is a Social Enterprise and takes a different approach to the for profit companies.

It Seems Too Good to be True

Well, funny that you should think that, there is a potential downside too. What you are looking for is a clean, convenient space with basic amenities that enables you to look after a property in return for a heavily reduced rent. There  are two clear benefits for the property owner, first of all they get a live in caretaker. Secondly, when commercial properties are converted into residential dwellings they can save thousands in business rates reductions.

Unfortunately not all property Guardians have not had positive experiences, there have been instances where some Property Guardian companies have increased rents for Guardians and failed to maintain basic amenities including showers and kitchens. 

My recommendation is that you do your own research; if you are flexible and can find a reputable company and good location – go for it!  It could be a great way to live more frugally and help you to save money for travelling or some other major expense. I would not recommend Property Guardianship for families.

Have you ever been a Property Guardian? What was it like? Let me know in the comments section below.

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If you have enjoyed this post you will also like the following posts:

4 Obstacles you Will Face on Your Financial Journey

Make Money Now With These Two Referral Apps

Have you got the Right Money Mindset?

What to do with a Financial Windfall

Why you Should Track Your Net Worth

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Are you and Your Partner Financially Compatible? 

Why Choose a Gold IRA?

What are the Best Savings Accounts for Children? 

How to Teach Your Children About Money

How to get Value for Money When Buying Foreign Currency 

Save up to £500 Per Year With a Sim Only Mobile Phone Deal 

How Much Should You Save?

10 Ways to Make Money Now

What’s the Best Strategy for Clearing Debts? 

What are the Different Types of Savings Accounts?

My aim with each blog post is to help you move to a better financial future. I believe that there is not enough financial education in the national curriculum and I intend to share anything helpful that I have learned along the way. I am by no means a financial expert. None of the information on this website constitutes financial advice and is provided as general information only.  This is my personal finance blog; my marketing blog is over here and I have been blogging there since 2010. I hope you have found this information useful. Thank you for reading.

Best regards,


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Save Hundreds on Rent By Becoming a Property Guardian


What to do With a Financial Windfall

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If we are lucky, many of us will be handed a financial windfall during our lifetime; a financial windfall is a relatively large influx of surprise cash. It could be the result of achieving an unexpected bonus at work, particularly if you work in the financial services sector. Alternatively, it could be because you have received an inheritance after the death of a loved one. In addition, you could have won a competition, the lottery or sold a business. Windfalls are potentially life changing for recipients, if you take the right steps you can set up your family and yourself for life. What should you do if you receive a financial windfall?

What to do With a Financial Windfall

Take Your Time

The money should not be burning a hole in your pocket, take some time to review your current financial situation, net worth and future plans before you do anything. You should probably consult with an independent financial adviser and listen to their recommendations. Also, consider the tax implications of your windfall, if there are any.  Be discreet about your good fortune, not everyone will have your best interests at heart, some will want to exploit the situation for their own financial gain.

Pay Down Debt

A great first step after reviewing your overall financial situation and net worth is to pay down debt, start with the most expensive debts first. This is likely to be credit card debt. For details of a very effective debt reduction strategy read this post, What’s the Best Strategy for Clearing Debts?  

Make Additional Mortgage Payments

As the great Jim Rohn* remarked, it’s not possible to actually buy time; one of the occasions in life when it feels like you can almost buy time is when you pay off your mortgage early. If possible, arrange to make additional payments against your mortgage,  in doing so you will save yourself tens of thousands in interest that you will not have to pay. Depending on the size of your windfall, you may be able to pay off your mortgage completely and take a big step towards becoming financially free.

Emergency Fund

If you have not had the opportunity or funds to create an emergency fund, now would be a great time to do so. Put away 3-6 months of monthly expenses that can cover you in the event that unforeseen circumstances prevent you from earning your regular salary.

Add to Savings

Take the opportunity provided by the financial windfall to add to your savings, ensure that you take advantage of the best savings accounts interest rates available to you. This article will help you decide what to do, What are the Different Types of Savings Accounts?


If your financial windfall allows you to help others financially or support your favourite charities or organisations, please do so; your good fortune can have a much wider impact and make a significant difference to the lives of others.

Have you received a financial windfall? What are you planning to do with it? Let me know in the comments section below. Note, I would suggest that use an email address that does not make your identity obvious.

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How Much Should You Save?

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What’s the Best Strategy for Clearing Debts? 

What are the Different Types of Savings Accounts?

My aim with each blog post is to help you move to a better financial future. I believe that there is not enough financial education in the national curriculum and I intend to share anything helpful that I have learned along the way. I am by no means a financial expert. None of the information on this website constitutes financial advice and is provided as general information only.  This is my personal finance blog; my marketing blog is over here and I have been blogging there since 2010. I hope you have found this information useful. Thank you for reading.

Best regards,


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*  ‘Time is more value than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.’ – Jim Rohn

What to do with a Financial Windfall